If you’re a beginner in piano, thinking about learning to play the piano, or you’ve just enrolled yourself in music lessons, chances are you’ve been thinking of the easiest ways in which you would be able to remember certain notes and play the piano. This is where the thought of labeling your piano or keyboard with stickers would have crossed your mind, and I’m here to tell you if doing this is actually a good idea or not.
Learning to play any kind of music is one of the best ways to further develop your brain as it stimulates creativity and helps you become more fluent in expressing your emotions. The layout of the piano keyboard can be confusing to new piano students. Learners who constantly get confused when learning music are often discouraged and unmotivated, simply because playing and understanding their instrument is a challenging task for them. Learning to play the piano is a rewarding experience thus, making it accessible and easy to understand is a method to encourage learners to further their abilities in learning to play their piano or keyboard. Labeling your piano keys with color-coded piano or keyboard stickers (ideally clear labels) can be a useful learning strategy for ultimate beginners — especially young learners.
Labeling piano keys is an idea that emphasizes the importance of being able to remember and recognize notes. You’ll be able to find the keys faster and avoid wasting time looking for notes through a trial-and-error process. If your aim is to become a successful pianist, learning and memorize the piano’s keys is a necessity. Having the keys labeled at the beginning of your learning process could improve memory skills, speed up learning of scales and piano chords, and can also be considered “step one” of learning to read notes with the help of a piano beginner book.
Using color-coded stickers to learn to differentiate each note with the help of a guidebook, is a common strategy amongst several beginners. This strategy is especially a good option for young children who are not yet able to read or write. Aside from these advantages, the color-coded method also requires the learner to pay attention to memorize and recognize the sound of each note that they are playing. You are not physically writing the notes on the keys, but you will still need to associate a particular color with a certain note.
Now that you have decided on your piano learning strategy, the next step is picking out the right stickers that will assist you through the initial stages of your learning process. Piano stickers from the brand “QMG” (which are available on Amazon) are a best seller and extremely popular amongst music learners in the USA. Ideally, transparent labels are used on the standard 49/61/76/88 key pianos. These labels can be found at QMG, along with piano charts, guidebooks, and (if you’re looking to pick up a different kind of instrument) guitar stickers.
With the guidance of a piano teacher and by applying the technique of using stickers to assist you in recognizing each note, you too could become a piano-playing expert in absolutely no time!